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Petro Management Banan
petro mamagement banan (YPPC) intends to establish a 20 KTPY Paraformaldehyde plant including two units:
a) Formaldehyde Unit (Feed: Methanol, Product: Formaldehyde) with Silver Catalyst
b) Paraformaldehyde Unit (Feed: Formaldehyde, Product: Granule Paraformaldehyde)
in Chabahar Free Zone.
1392/3/25 until now (review of existing documents and
continuation of engineering activities including basic engineering, detailed engineering, purchasing engineering and supervision
are underway)

All our efforts are to establish a petrochemical complex in a short time, and start to produce and supply products and to be among the country’s top three Paraformaldehyde producers through adopting and utilizing world’s latest technologies in the next 5 years.